Contact us directly at: +39 340 836 3890

About us


A best place to enjoy your life

Casali Costadoro originally consisted in a group of traditional summer houses that have now been transformed into charming apartments, designed and built with great attention to detail and finishing’s and offer guests great comfort and efficiency, so as to assure a high level holiday experience. The apartments can accommodate from 2 to 5 people.  Each apartment has an independent entrance, thus ensuring privacy.

Casali Costadoro is reached by traveling a characteristic private country road lined with cypress trees where one can also admire olive groves, mulberry and oak trees, adding value to the journey.

The apartments are situated on an organic farmland complex within a territory that can boast three mountainous National Parks within the distance of a few hundred kilometers: Gran Sasso and the Monti della Laga, Maiella and Monti Sibillini.  These National Parks offer almost 3,000 square kilometers of uncontaminated nature, wildlife and local culture rich with traditions going back thousands of years.

The magnificent land surrounding Casali Costadoro has ancient olive groves with hundred year old trees, from which a fine quality of olive oil is produced.  Guests staying in Casali Costadoro in the months of October and November will have the possibility of taking part in the “raccolta delle olive” (olive harvest) and of taking “their” olives to the local olive press, where they will be able to receive the oil extracted and take it home as a souvenir.

Casali Costadoro is divided in two buildings: Casali delle Erbe (Peperoncino, Cardo, Ortica, Menta, Malva, Anice, Iperico, Liquirizia apartments) and within a few hundred meters – Casale dei Fiori (Rosa, Viola, Lavanda, Ginestra, Gardenia, Giglio apartments). These delightful apartments originated from two original traditional summer country houses, from which the name “Casali Costadoro” originates.


Contact Us

Casali Costadoro, Italia

Contrada San Savino, Strada del Camoso, 63075 Acquaviva Picena (AP), Italia.


Direct phone:
+39 340 836 3890

Other Facilities distances:

  • Village: 2 km
  • Restaurants: 2 km
  • Shops: 2 km
  • Beach: 15 km
  • Hospital: 15 km
  • Golf course: 80 km